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March 7, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom Peyer
Tom McCraw
Dan Jurgens
Tom Peyer (LSH co-plotter/scripter) and Tom McCraw (LSH/L*
co-plotter/colorist) were the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat
for Thursday, March 7, 1996.  Dan Jurgens (Superman/Teen Titans writer)
stopped by for a while.  (Kevin Dooley was also there, but didn't
participate much.)  Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the
DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.  Legionnaires Chat is held
every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.  Regular guests include
Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC
Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

NOTE - There was no LSH Chat on Tuesday, March 5, 1996 due to Amalgam week.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be reliable.
Misinterpretations of the creators' comments do occaisionally occur.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming issues is
located towards the end of this report.  By request, information regarding
the covers to LSH #80 and LSH #82 is separated out by Spoiler Space.  No
spoiler space separates any other information.

SPECIAL THANKS - To Sidne Ward and Andrew Woodard for proving me with copies
of the chat log from which this report was generated.


McCraw intends to go to the Chicago Comic Convention this year.

Peyer is writing all of the Super-titles for one month with Mark Waid
(Super-titles mostly solicited for May).  Curt Swan will be doing pages in
each of these stories.  Peyer is also doing the Adventures of Superman annual.

Mike McAvenie is remaining with the Superman books as assistant editor.
Peyer had heard that the KC Carlson would not have an assistant for a while.
Peyer thought it was possible that McAvennie would continue the lettercols
because they're done freelance.  Peyer doesn't think the lack of an
assistant editor will make a difference for the reading experience.

Peyer opines that Roger Stern hit the ground running on the Legion books.

Of the Amalgam characters, McCraw thought Ferro Man was as good as the White

Ferro Lad will not be appearing any time soon.

There are no plans for Lume, but Peyer said it wouldn't put it past McCraw.
McCraw noted that just because McCraw likes Lume doesn't mean that he can't
make another appearance.

Dan will finish the first issue of his Teen Titans series by Monday
(3/11/96).  Dan would consider an LSH/Titans team-up because he's always
been a big Legion fan.  He complimented the current team and said they're
doing such a good job that he might not be able to keep up the pace.

When fans brought up possible Legion "trades", Peyer quipped that he'd trade
Spark to Generation X for Jubilee.

Triad is one of McCraw's favorite characters.

Peyer:  "Spark n Vi?  U never know."

McCraw joked that G'ff'n is going to be attacked by Plevitz.

Karate Kid is from Earth.  He won't be joining the Legion as their combat
trainer until McCauley let him out of his lifetime contract.

Peyer joked that Tenzil's tongue isn't destroyed by Acid Spit because Tenzil
has an invulnerable tongue.  McCraw pointed out that Tenzil and all
Bismollians are immune to their powers.

McCraw would like to see a poster of the cover of LSH #80.

McCraw believes that LSH #82 may be one of the best stories that they've done.

Peyer has an idea to bring back Computo that he's looking forward to
writing.  When a fan asked if Triad would be in jeopardy, Peyer joked that
the thing about Legion is that "NOBODY'S EVER SAFE!  Not even Triad!  It's
like Camp Crystal Lake '96"

McCraw promised that LSH #80 wraps up a few plotlines, and told a fan who
wanted to see the team trimmed down that he need not worry about the cast size.

L* #38 will move at a slower pace.  McCraw promised enough Saturn Girl stuff
in that issue to keep her fans happy.

Atmos is not the planetary champion of Xanthu.

One of the Xanthan heroes introduced in LSH #82 is the Monstress--a campy
female wisecrackin' strength-monster.

Kid Quantum will not be returning from the dead for the Xanthu story.

Around the time of LSH #83/L* #39, we'll see the return of a villain that
we've previously seen postboot.

Nura Nal (the preboot Dream Girl) returns in LSH #83.  Peyer indicated that
Nura wll be Nura when a fan asked if Nura would be "Dreamy".  McCraw opined
that Nura was always dreamy.  When a fan asked for clarification as to
whether she would be the traditional "vamp", McCraw replied:  "She'll be a
'little' bit different."  When a fan pointed out that Nura was very
attractive and intelligent if somewhat vain, McCraw elaborated:  "We've come
up with a new way to deal with her.  Should be fun."  He promised that she
wouldn't be tubby.  After another fan asked if there would be unbridled
cleavage everywhere, he reported:  "And anger all the female readers?   Hmmm
. . . . . . maybe."

SPOILERS TO COVERS FOR LSH #80 AND LSH #82.  (Be courteous.  Please do not
remove this spoiler space if replying to this message.)






The cover to LSH #80 has been uploaded on AOL.  It features 18 characters in
flight, all smiling and rallying around a Legion flag.  The characters are:
Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Live Wire, Triad, Chameleon, Invisible Kid,
Leviathan, XS, Brainiac 5, Spark, Andromeda, Kinetix, Shrinking Violet, Star
Boy, Gates, Ultra Boy, Element Lad, and Valor.  All of them are wearing
Legion accessories except Valor.

Andromeda's presence will be explained.  McCraw wouldn't promise that she'll
stick around.  He didn't think that she had a Flight Ring while staying on
the prison planet.

Peyer thought that Ultra Boy was looking congested on the cover of LSH #82.
He would not say what the arm means.

When a fan threatened to sob a flood if Tinya wasn't in LSH #82, McCraw
promised to buy lots of tissues to pass out.