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April 18, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom Peyer
Roger Stern
Jeff Moy
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist), Roger Stern (L* co-
plotter/scripter) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were the guests on
America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, April 18, 1996.
Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.  Legionnaires Chat is
held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.
(Keyword:  DC CHAT.)  Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom
McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson
and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable.  In fact, it's probably not reliable.
Misinterpretations of the creators' comments do occur.  No
wagering, please.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report.  No spoiler
space separates such spoiler information.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to
these chat reports, please send me an e-mail at

GRAPHICS - If you want to subscribe to Lev Kalman's weekly
humorous LSH pic, drop him an e-mail at "levkow...@gnn.com".
He'll send it to your virtual mailbox every week in MIME-encoded


Michael Collins will pencil LSH Annual #7.

Roger Stern is probably going to the San Diego convention, and
will not be attending the Chicago Convention.

How Legionnaires is created:  Roger writes a plot using Tom's
outline, Jeff draws it, and then Roger scripts it.

At the time of the chat, Tom was coloring L* #39 and outlining L*
#42.  Tom doesn't merely indicate color codes on the pages, but
must color everything as we would see it when printed.

Tom's story for Showcase '96 #8 features Gates, XS, and
Leviathan.  He's also coloring the story.

Tom wonders if the Legion would be able to tolerate Impulse for a
possible crossover.

They've used a computer to ripple the background on the cover to
L* #38.  The cover was illustrated as one piece of art, then
altered by the computer.

It was Peyer's idea to have Mano rebel against the rest of the
Fatal Five in LSH #80.

Jeff doesn't think that any of the Legionnaires take more time
for him to pencil than any of the others.  He indicates that the
poses mostly dictate how long it takes to pencil the characters.

Kinetix takes Tom longer to color than many of the other
Legionnaires.  Proty and the lightning twins are the easiest for
him to color.

Matrix is the only Supergirl that Roger is interested in writing,
but DC won't let him write her anymore.  He never liked Kara
except in her identity as Power Girl.

The TIME AND TIME AGAIN story that ran in Superman several years
ago is null and void for now.

When asked if they were planning on making the supporting cast
issue an annual event, Tom indicated that if it wasn't an annual
event they would try to include them in a mission or two.

Tom points out that a Triad/M'Onel, Triad/Superboy, Triad/Chuck
Taine triangle has been hinted at.

Now that Chameleon speaks, Jeff is drawing the character to match
the expressions with what he's supposed to be saying.

Tom opines that they can put M'Onel on the cover more often now
that the secret is out.  Jeff designed the new M'Onel costume.

Andromeda is out of the books for a while, but not forgotten.

The colonization of some of the Legion planets will be touched on
over the next year.

L* #38 is set on Titan.  Roger hates Titan City because it's cold
and it's damp.  Jeff thinks they should terraform it.

LSH Annual #7 does not fit into continuity, but it features a
Legionnaire in the story.  L* Annual #3 features XS' adventures
in time and space.  Roger is hoping that Humberto Ramos will
pencil the story.

Tom indicates that L* #42 could be fatal for Kinetix.  He later
pointed out that he didn't say Kinetix was dying and added "but
you never know."  He added that fatal can have many different

Kinetix will meet her Mom again soon.

When a fan mentioned that Naltor was a planet of precognitives,
Roger indicated that we shouldn't presume that we know what
Naltor is like until they show us--we might be surprised.

Tom indicated that there will be adjustments to Dream Girl's
powers.  Roger joked that she would be Lady Clairolvoyance.

>The TIME AND TIME AGAIN story that ran in Superman several years
>ago is null and void for now.

I don't know where anyone got that idea.  TIME AND TIME AGAIN most definitely
happened ... that's why it was reprinted as a trade paperback!  If and when
Superman again meets the Legion, he'll be surprised at how Zero Hour changed
them ... but he still remembers his adventures with their alternate versions!

-- Roger Stern