Adventure Comics 305

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Adventure Comics #305
Preboot » Pre-Crisis
Cover by Curt Swan, George Klein and Ira Schnapp
Story title The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire!
Previous story Adventure Comics #304:The Stolen Super-Powers!
Next story Adventure Comics #306:The Legion of Substitute Heroes!
Publication date December 27, 1962
Cover date February 1963
Writer(s) Jerry Siegel
Penciller(s) John Forte
Inker(s) John Forte
Letterer(s) Joe Letterese
Colourist(s) Unknown
Editor(s) Mort Weisinger
Cover artist(s) Curt Swan, George Klein, Ira Schnapp

The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire!

Plot Synopsis

As the Legionnaires hold tryouts to find a replacement for the deceased Lightning Lad, an applicant who calls himself both Legionnaire Lemon and Marvel Lad boasts that he is certain he will be accepted. He demonstrates a variety of powers, including flight and super-strength; when the Legionnaires suspect he is Superboy playing a trick on them, Marvel Lad proves he is immune to both kryptonite and lead, Mon-El’s weakness. The Legionnaires instruct Marvel Lad to perform a series of initiation tests: to retrieve the element fluvium from a distant world, to ward off a creature called a Sun-Eater, to clear the planet Brogg of strange monsters, and to create a new element which doesn’t exist on earth. Marvel Lad easily passes all of his test and tantales the Legionnaires by demonstrating more abilities: super-speed, invulnerability, and heat vision. Finally, he is told that he will be inducted into the Legion the next day.

However, when he arrives at the induction ceremony, Marvel Lad reveals that he is, in fact, Mon-El. Twenty-four hours earlier, Brainiac 5 had released Mon-El from the Phantom Zone to test a modified version of his anti–lead serum, which until now enabled Mon to stay in the material world for only short periods of time. Brainy believed that the new cure would be permanent but insisted on a secret trial run so the other Legionnaires wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t work. Mon-El decided to spend the time having fun with the Legion; now that the 24-hour trial has passed, he can stay in the material world for good.

Mon-El returns to the Phantom Zone briefly to gloat over the criminals, who remain behind and who tormented him for his friendship with Superboy. He then rejoins the Legion and pledges to find a way to restore Lightning Lad to life.

Key Quotes and Catchphrases


Roll Call


Featured roles:

  • Brainiac 5
  • Cosmic Boy
  • Mon-El (also appears as Legionnaire Lemon/Marvel Lad; leaves the Phantom Zone for good in this story)

Supporting roles:



  • The Sun-Eater (not the same creature that appears in Adventure Comics 352 and 353)
  • Three unnamed Phantom Zone criminals

Supporting Characters


Other Characters

Planets and Settings

  • Brogg (planet)

Technology, Gadgets and Other Neat Stuff

  • Element 152 (an anti-gravity element invented by Mon-El; later used in the creation of flight rings)
  • Fluvium (needed for the anti-lead serum)


Errors and Oddities

  • The Daily Planet is still published in the 30th century, available on microfilm.

First appearances

This issue marks the first appearance of the following characters and recurring key Legion story elements:

  • Element 152 (later used in the creation of flight rings)

Powers and abilities

Reboot Reference Kit

Post-Crisis xxx
Glorithverse xxx
Post-Zero Hour xxx
Post-Infinite Crisis xxx
DCAU xxx
LSH cartoon xxx

Retcon Alert


Other stories in this issue

There is an additional story that does not feature the Legion - "Clark Kent, He-Man"


This Legion story has been reprinted in the following:

See also

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Adventure Comics #304 
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