Legion Publication History/Series/Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds

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This page is written from
the Real World point of view

This page gathers the information pertaining to the series Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds from the regular pages of the Legion Publication History.

Preboot (Retroboot)

Cover art by George Pérez and Dave McCaig Cover art by George Pérez and Hi-Fi Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #1 (published August 20, 2008, cover date October 2008)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book One
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (assistant)
Cover art by George Pérez Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #1 (RRP Variant) (published ???, 2008, cover date October 2008)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book One
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (assistant)
Cover art by George Pérez and Dave McCaig Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #1 (2nd printing) (published September 24, 2008, cover date October 2008)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book One
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (assistant)
Cover art by George Pérez and Dave McCaig Cover art by George Pérez and Hi-Fi Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #2 (published October 15, 2008, cover date November 2008)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book Two
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (assistant)
Cover art by George Perez and Dave McCaig Cover art by George Perez and Hi-Fi Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #3 (published February 4, (Nine weeks late) 2009, cover date December 2008)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book Three
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (associate)
Cover art by George Perez and Tom Smith Cover art by George Perez and Hi-Fi Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #4 (published April 29, (Eighteen weeks late) 2009, cover date June 2009)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book Four
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (associate)
Cover art by George Perez and Nei Ruffino Cover art by George Perez and Nei Ruffino Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 (published July 22, (Seventeen weeks late) 2009, cover date May 2009)
  • Legion of 3 Worlds, Book Five
    • W: Geoff Johns; P: George Pérez; I: Scott Koblish; C: Hi-Fi; L: Nick Napolitano; E: Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman (associate)
Cover art by George Perez, Scott Koblish and Hi-Fi Legion of Three Worlds Hardcover (published October 21, 2009, cover date 2009)
Cover art by George Perez, Scott Koblish and Hi-Fi Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds Trade paperback (published October 20, 2010, cover date 2010)

Legion Publication History

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