Imperial Guard

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The Imperial Guard is a team of super-powered individuals serving the Shi'ar Empire in the Marvel Universe. In their first appearance in the X-Men titles, they were designed (by Dave Cockrum, not long after he left the Legion books) specifically to have powers and costumes resembling various Legionnaires. This was originally to be part of an unofficial crossover where an X-Men analogue group would appear in a Legion story around the same time, but the Legion story never appeared.

From time to time, more Guardsmen have been introduced, usually (but not always) resembling one or more Legionnaires in powers if not costumes as well. Most of the Guardsmen were patterned after a Pre-Crisis Legionnaire, but some of the later ones were derived from the Post-Zero Hour Legion. However, not every Guardsman has a Legionnaire counterpart.

List of Imperial Guardsmen

Imperial Guardsmen not on this list do not have a direct counterpart in the Legion.

Imperial Guardsman Legion counterpart
Arc Live Wire
Astra Phantom Girl
Blimp Bouncing Boy
Commando Mon-El
Cosmo Star Boy
Delphos Dream Girl
Electron Cosmic Boy
Fader Invisible Kid
Fang Timber Wolf
Flashfire (aka Tempest) Lightning Lad
Forunn XS
Gladiator Superboy
Glom Matter-Eater Lad
G-Type Wildfire
Hardball Bouncing Boy
Hobgoblin (aka Shapeshifter, Shifter) Chameleon Boy
Hussar Tyr
Magique (aka Magic) Projectra
Mentor Brainiac 5
Monstra Monstress
Moondancer Dawnstar
Neutron (aka Quasar) Star Boy
Nightside (aka Nightshade) Shadow Lass
Onslaught Karate Kid
Oracle Saturn Girl
Plutonia Phantom Girl or Kono
Pulsar (aka Impulse) Wildfire
Schism Duo Damsel
Scintilla (aka Midget) Shrinking Violet
Smasher Ultra Boy
Solar Wind Rond Vidar (as a Green Lantern)
Squorm Quislet
Starbolt (aka Bolt) Sun Boy
Stuff Chameleon Boy
Titan Colossal Boy
Voyager Gates (though Voyager predates Gates)

See Also